Thursday, October 30, 2008

"i" in the Sky

I was nursing Imogen on the couch last Sunday. Looking out the window behind me--upside down--she pointed out an "i" formed by the clouds. I only began introducing her to the lowercase "i" for "Imogen" last week after taking the READY! for Kindergarten class, so I was really happy to see that she was interested. I hadn't really gotten that impression when I was teaching it.

Then yesterday Immy wrote an "i" on a painting she was working on. She made the dot first. I made the mistake of commenting "You made an "O"!" She quickly corrected me, "No Mama, it's a dot," and then drew the "line" to make the "i."

Later yesterday, days after she'd spotted the special cloud with her initial, Immy looked at the overcast sky and asked "Where's the "i" in the sky?"

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