Sunday, April 29, 2007
Double Fat Lip
What are the odds?
"We've got a million trees
alongside the corridor," said Johnnie Larmore, campground host at Sequim Bay
State Park."The odds must be astronomical."
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Eyewitness News
Come to think of it, I was on my way home from another library when we got caught up in the motorcade traffic jam and drove from Latona to West Seattle in first gear on I-5. I was trying to get to and from a library on both occasions--a quaint little errand. How hard should that be?
Friday, April 27, 2007
11 Months' Old
The Milk Maid's Stool
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Ellen Expecting?

Tuesday on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Ellen said that she would be having a special Mother's Day show where the audience will be filled with first-time expectant moms. She then said that she has something in common with these women and will make a special announcement on that show. I think either she and Portia de Rossi are having or adopting a baby or they're getting another puppy. My bet's on baby.
Ellen's had her new show since 2002. Until this season, she never talked about being gay and only made very tame and veiled references to not wearing dresses or dating men. (Who can blame her after what happened when she came out in 1997? She said her phone didn't ring for three years after that and Laura Dern, who was her love interest in that episode of the sitcom, had just won an Oscar, but didn't work for a year and a half because of it.) In the last couple weeks, however, there have been a few exchanges that seem designed to ease Ellen's fans into understanding that yes folks, she is still a lesbian. First, it was Portia front and center at the Oscars. Then just recently, Ellen asked Sharon Stone if she was dating anyone and she shot back devilishly, "I thought you had a girlfriend." This week, Ellen brought Laura Dern on to mark the 10th anniversary of the "Yep, I'm gay," debacle and now this. Hmmm. Sad with Will & Grace over and long in syndication she has to dance around this issue so delicately.
A Keep-Away Day
Begin With Books
Seattle Public Library's specialists have developed a series of kits
specifically designed for parents and care givers to share with their children,
birth to three years of age. Each kit contains six to ten picture/board books,
an adult resource, a music tape, and tips on how and why we need to read to very
young children. Finger plays and action songs are included for each theme.
The boxes are stored at the Central Library, but can be placed on hold online and sent to your neighborhood branch. Searching for these online can be confusing. Here's what to do:
From the Library's home page, enter "Begin With Books Baby" into the keyword search box. You should get a results list of the available boxes by theme for babies. (If you want preschool books, type in "Begin With Books Preschool," and the same for bilingual (Spanish or Vietnamese). Those are the three categories.)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Little Lady Lilah
Friends + Books + Songs=Good Day
Back to Ballard, Baby
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Tonka Joe
Don't Touch me Sheryl Crow
We asked Mr.
Rove if he would consider taking a fresh look at the science of global warming.
Much to our dismay, he immediately got combative. And it went downhill from
Like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum, Mr. Rove launched
into a series of illogical arguments regarding China not doing enough thus
neither should we. (Since when do we follow China's lead?)
In his
attempt to dismiss us, Mr. Rove turned to head toward his table, but as soon as
he did so, Sheryl reached out to touch his arm. Karl swung around and spat,
"Don't touch me." How hardened and removed from reality must a person be to
refuse to be touched by Sheryl Crow? Unfazed, Sheryl abruptly responded, "You
can't speak to us like that, you work for us." Karl then quipped, "I don't work
for you, I work for the American people." To which Sheryl promptly reminded him,
"We are the American people."
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Happy to be Human

Full Story: Horse Racing Bridging "The Gap"
Text + Photo: The Seattle Times
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Breastfeeding is Best
Good news for moms who nurse:
...breast-feeding protects against breast cancer noNPR Morning Edition
matter when you give birth — whether you give birth before age 25 or after age
Where Hair Meets Art
Urban Babies go to the Sculpture Park
Friday, April 20, 2007
A Natural Helper
Imogen's "Stats"
Her height and head are unchanged since her March 5th nine-month visit, but she's gained 12 ounces. I am still breastfeeding six times a day (or is it Imogen that is?). This little girl will be 11 months' old in a week!
A Pod of Steel and Glass
The 35-year old driver was fired from Metro in 2005. She was driving my local 120 route at the time. The 120's last stop in downtown Seattle is at 2nd and Marion after which it gets onto the Alaskan Way Viaduct and doesn't stop again until Delridge Way (about 5 miles). The drivers usually announce this is the last stop in downtown Seattle, next stop West Seattle. On a day in 2005, the driver was involved in an incident where a group of young people who boarded the bus by mistake were asking to get off and threatening her when she decided to stop the bus on the West Seattle Bridge and call police. The kids were taken off the bus and she went on. Metro fired her because they didn't feel her decision to stop the bus on the Bridge was safe or justified and the investigation showed that she hadn't made the announcement about the last stop. After arbitration, the driver was rehired.
I see the kind of aggressive driving that may have killed Michael Dahlquist way too often around Seattle. When a driver can't even turn off the road without the driver behind him nearly or actually running into the back of his car or worse, there's a failure of civility. I think the most telling indicator of the Puget Sound area's rapidly worsening quality of life and societal condition is the way people behave in traffic, showing that all our talk of peace, progressiveness and the golden rule is perhaps only practiced when we aren't surrounded by a pod of steel and glass.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Immy's Day
This evening we took Niles to the northernmost section of the Longfellow Creek Legacy Trail that has a dragonfly pavilion and whalebone bridge.
A Convenient Untruth

"Let go of all that guilt, go
buy an SUV and crank
up the AC."
I think it's surprising that a man with Mike Wilson's views is reading a Seattle newspaper, and weekly by his own admission. Of course, you don't have to go as far as Virginia Beach, Va. to find his perspective on global warming, there's a letter from a like-minded Lynnwoodite on the same day.
Image: D Lo Matischizzle
Market in the Morning

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Longfellow Creek Legacy Trail

Monday, April 16, 2007
Kid-size World

Our Day at the Zoo

West End Cold Case Heats Up
Chasing a lead from Sequim resident Linnea Anderson, whose
memory was jogged when reading a recent Peninsula Daily News article about the
mystery, Jefferson County detectives hope to find Carla's remains when they dig
late this week or early next week, said Det. Joe Nole.
Carla was 14 years old when she took a babysitting job on
June 30, 1981 at a trailer in Clearwater in west Jefferson County and was never
seen again.(Peninsula Daily News)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
A Sweater from Lady Alastair

Friday, April 13, 2007
Gray Whales at LaPush
"Last year, we didn't see them that much. But this year, there are a lot of them."
Chris Morganroth, Quileute tribal council member, as quoted in the Peninsula Daily News
Map (LaPush represented by yellow star)
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Another First

Story times at Delridge are Thursdays at 11 am through May.
A First
Children's Poetry Reading

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
A Visit

Elizabeth cared constantly for her baby cousin: helping Grammy with a diaper change, pushing the stroller, getting her into and out of the car seat, entertaining her, even moving her booster seat into our car so she could ride with Immy from lunch to the coffee shop. She is devoted to the cousin whose birth she witnessed and Imogen, in turn, adores her, in addition to her Grammy, Aunty Kelly and the wonderful and amazing Adam.
My Mom

As much as she will be missed by those she cared for, I'm glad she has well-deserved time for herself to pursue all the things in life she's interested in (especially her three grandchildren). We're so happy to have a "full-time" Grammy!
Congratulations Mom! I am proud of you and inspired by you.
Forks Forum, March 7, 2007
Happy Birthday Jocelyn
Monday, April 9, 2007
Hat Trick
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
It's a Wonderful Life

This evening Simon, Imogen and I were eating at our favorite taco truck, La Fondita #2, in White Center. Immy sat in her Bumbo on the table and a guy nearby occasionally piped up with remarks. Eventually he said, "That's a nice lookin' baby. It reminds me of a movie star. I'll think of the name."
Imogen was wearing a peach cap-sleeve T-shirt and yellow pants embroidered with butterflies and flowers, so I assumed he realized she is a girl. We went on eating.
"James Stewart," he said suddenly. "It's James Stewart."
"Jimmy Stewart?" I asked. "Like 'It's a Wonderful Life'?"
"James Stewart," he said.
We're accustomed to people assuming Immy's a boy--one woman even called her a "heartbreaker" (when I related this to Simon, I mistakenly said "ladykiller")--but this comment took Simon and me quite by surprise. The guy got up and proudly bade us a good evening, probably feeling like he'd paid us quite a compliment. Quite a compliment indeed.
Soul Food

Imogen was delighted to play with sophisticated and silly 4-year old Mina and left with two boxes full of clothes and girl things. She cried the whole way home.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
A Blog Blooms